Daniel and Agathi are well known international lecturers in schools and Universities teaching children and students how to manage their emotions, self-regulate and have a positive approach at the beginning of their life. With different techniques and approaches they are working with children of different ages in order to help them built Social Competence, Emotional Stability and Psychosocial Functioning. With these trainings children learn to get along with others in a constructive manner and to build and maintain positive relationships with others.

Research has demonstrated that increased heart disease, impulsive and aggressive behavior, attentional and learning difficulties, difficulty in establishing social bonds has its roots at the inability to self-regulate feelings and emotions in early childhood and completing less than 10 years of schooling. “James Lynch has provided some sobering statistics that show academic failure (defined by completing less than 10 years of schooling) produces a greater risk for heart disease than smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, and excessive alcohol consumption combined. He has shown that the link between academic failure and disease in later life is related to a lack of social and emotional competencies. The foundations of the competencies required for both academic and social success are developed in a child’s early years of development and are directly related to their ability to self-regulate. According to Schore, the inability to appropriately self-regulate feelings and emotions has its origins in early childhood maltreatment and has enduring negative consequences for the developing frontal cortex, resulting in structurally defective neurobiological organization, which in turn impairs the young child’s cognitive development and produces disturbances in attachment formation. In addition to its implications for impeded neuropsychosocial development, this inability to appropriately self-regulate feelings and emotions results in impulsive and aggressive behavior, attentional and learning difficulties, an inability to engage in prosocial relationships, and difficulty in establishing stable social bonds. It is not surprising, therefore, that affect dysregulation has been highlighted in the research literature repeatedly with regard to its devastating effects on multiple domains of development, including cognition, language and literacy, and socioemotional skills.” R. T. Bradley, M. Atkinson, D. Tomasino, R.Rees, P. Galvin “Facilitating Emotional Regulation in Pre-school children: Efficacy of the Early HeartSmarts Program in Promoting Social, Emotional and Cognitive Development” 2009, HeartMath.